"We are together!!!"


The national festival of oil workers took place for the 6th time.

Large-scale, uniting, long-awaited. That is how oilmen say about the corporate festival "We are together!!!". This event of Belorusneft has a status of a republican one. Its participants represent all the regions of the company presence. A distinctive feature of this year was the maximum involvement of the employees themselves in the direct organization and participation as artists. The number of participants for all years was also maximal - 1,000 people.

Flash mobs, quests, master classes, music and light show. The program was bright and memorable.

"We are together!!!". Once the organizers did not make a mistake with the name of the festival. For oilmen these words are not just a corporate brand, but a recipe for professional victories and the secret code that allows them to be leaders in all the areas from year to year.

Read more at NEFT.by